I would think that there would be effects that utilize tools that Elements does not have. Q: Can you use Smart Photo Editor as a plug-in in Elements?Ī: I do not believe it will work as an Elements plug-in. I like the layers in Photoshop for textures so I can add/remove/try various textures and mask easily as needed. While I did demonstrate using textures in Luminar to show the power of the program, it most like wouldn’t be my first choice of programs for applying textures. You can control the softness of the brush, however. Q: When working with a texture in Luminar Ai and brushing it off parts of the image, is there a “smart” option for edge-aware brushing?Ī: No, there is not. If you reopen an image in your catalog, you can reset it back to the original with one click. Luminar AI is made to let you be creative quickly without getting bogged down with technical details. Q: If you use textures in Luminar is it destructive or does it have layers like PS?Ī: Luminar AI does NOT use layers (Luminar 4 does). If the sky is the same, the reflection would be the same. Q: Does Luminar AI randomize the reflection so if you use the same sky in a different photo it isn’t identical?Ī: I haven’t tried the same sky in various images with water but I wouldn’t think it would. Occasionally there is a slight halo which can be eliminated with the sliders found under “Mask Refinement” – Global, Close Gaps and Fix Details. Most of the time I don’t need to adjust at all. Q: Does Luminar make a clean mask when you zoom in on new sky?Ī:There are sliders that control the blend of the new sky near trees. No, the trees are the real reflection the way I shot the image. Q: Did you get the trees to reflect in PS before going into Luminar?Ī: That is in reference to the first project. The only slow down is when you want to open “MY SKIES” to search for your sky – it take about 10 seconds to load all of mine. Q: How many skies can be loaded into Luminar AI? Would it slow things down if there were too many?Ī: There is no limit to how many you can load (I’ve put in 7 folders of 12 skies each = 84 skies into my Luminar 4 & AI).
Q: Can you import folders of Skies into Luminar AI (instead of one at a time)?Ī: YES!! It’s a secret trick! CLICK HERE for the instructions! (NOTE: These are written for PC’s – Mac users just go to the program file where it is on your computer.) Q: Are the Templates included in Luminar AI?Ī: Yes, there are LOTS of templates included! You can also purchase other Template packs (see sale info below), and you can also create and save your own Templates. Some I answered as we were live, but I’m repeating a few here as well as some I may not have gotten to during the webinar. Following are questions asked during the webinar.